TIL Phoolan Devi wasn't such a bad person. Born in 1963 in UP, she faced extreme poverty and UP's caste system. Between ages 11-18, she was raped several times by her 30 year-old husband and other men. At age 18, she manned up and took revenge by tracking down her rapists, and killing 22 of them.

Phoolan Devi was born on this day in 1963. Had she been alive, Bandit Queen would have been 52 today.

  • Phoolan Devi, widely known as the Bandit Queen would have turned 52 this day, had she been alive.

  • Phoolan Devi started as a burglar, but soon transformed into a dacoit.

  • While uppers regarded Phoolan as a callous murderer, for countless untouchables, this gun-slinging criminal had become a devi - Phoolan Devi an incarnation of the Goddess Durga.

  • On July 25, 2001, Phoolan Devi was shot dead by 3 masked shooters outside of her Delhi home.

Here are some other news items:credits to u-sr33

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