TIL Pill Bugs are not insects but land crustaceans related to lobsters and shrimp. They breathe through gills, can drink through their anus, and excrete gas through their exoskeleton instead of urinating.

I maybe spent long enough smashing them between rocks and stuff that my parents didn't have me play in that part of the yard anymore.

I think I was young enough I didn't understand what it meant, it was just...interesting or whatever fun was to me at that age. Really glad my parents put an end to it.

I'm fairly certain that a lot of the unfortunate shit that's happened to me in life can cosmically be linked back to 7 year old me wanting to see if you could take the shells off pill bugs without killing them.

Huh, haven't thought about that in years. Man I can't even make a fucked up joke about it. I'm sorry pill bugs, I honestly wasn't doing any of it to be mean or cruel.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org