TIL that private investigator Tom Grant who was hired by Courtney Love to find missing Kurt Cobain days leading up to his death believes that Kurt Cobain was murdered by Courtney Love.

The only thing that came to mind for me was the 225mg worth of heroin. The syringes shown in his box were all 1ml insulin syringes. Wouldn't you have to inject yourself several times to acquire 225mg worth in your system. 100 mg is only 1 ml. So that being said wouldn't one have to inject themselves three times to accomplish 225mg worth of heroin? I'm not saying it isn't possible but I know for a fact you can become quite incapacitated pretty fast to have to: tie up, search for a vain, untie yourself, inject yourself, pick up the other syringe, tie up again, search for vain, untie, inject again, untie, re-rig another syringe (I only saw two in the photo), tie up, search for said vain, untie, and inject again. That would take at least 4-5 minutes to accomplish all of that. Maybe he had a larger syringe or something.

I'm not saying it wasn't suicide or homicide. Really I don't care either way. Both options seem rather plausible and being that we will never know without definitive proof or a confession... That is that. I can't judge someone either way. I wouldn't want people saying I murdered my s.o. without being damn sure I did. I did find it odd as well that if he was going to kill himself he wouldn't have cleared up the whole will and estate changing info. I mean he didn't want Courtney getting anything according to everyone. Usually people tend to put their affairs in order before killing themselves. That being said people on drugs tend to make irrational decisions so it could go either way. This is a case no one will ever know the truth. Yes, I really do think that they should have done better investigating at the time. Maybe someone should reopen everything just to make sure. Regardless, Suicide or Homicide are both plausible answers and no one will ever know the truth. I just thought the heroin deal was strange to me. Yes, I am sure a long time addict such as himself would have a rather high tolerance. I still feel someone would be pretty messed up to have to inject themselves that many times to achieve a level of 225 mg in their system.

Please note: this is my opinion and something I randomly thought about while reading everyone's comments. Please don't be a dick or anything if you have another opinion. I would love to hear if I am wrong, or something doesn't make sense with my ideas. Please feel free to agree, debate, or bring up any of your ideas about my feelings.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - cobaincase.com