TIL Satanists do not literally worship Satan. They are closer to an Atheist religion, and believe Satan is a positive archetype demonstrating pride, individualism and enlightenment and use Satan as a symbol of defiance against Abrahamic faiths.

That's all literally explained in their FAQ though.


> LaVey used “Satan” as our primary symbol, employing the hebrew term predating Christianity meaning “the opposition, the accuser”—it was later personified, perhaps accidentally, as part of a mistranslation. We use this term as it was originally defined, for we stand in opposition to theist religions and their inherent hypocrisy. We are a formidable threat to any who would halt progress in the name of spirituality. We are explorers on the untrodden paths of science, human motivation and all mysteries awaiting understanding.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org