TIL scientists debunked the “people look left when lying” myth by studying adults in press conferences appealing for info about missing family members. They tracked the eye movements of speakers later convicted of murdering the “missing” loved one.

So you are saying that if someone looks to their right when they are answering a question that they are telling the truth? And if they look left they are lying? Do you think that is reliable? Because obviously it isn't. This study had two methodologies and one of them was people fabricating a story under duress. I read your other comments on this topic, and you admit to using a bunch of methodology to try to determine if someone is lying. My point was that somebody who simply looks which direction your eyes move and tries to base a 100% assumption about what that means is a moron. Even if someone pauses for a moment to answer, you are not necessarily getting a lie. They could be pausing to answer because they think it's a stupid question, or it reminds them of something from their past, or your breath smells like coffee. Or maybe they just want to take time to answer you correctly. Or maybe they realize it's a loaded question and your are making them feel uncomfortable. Assuming the words that come out of their mouth are untrue is jumping to a lot of conclusions. Police use similar tactics to this but it's not nearly 100% reliable, even to expertly trained police officers. Look at all the people who were released from jail after DNA testing became a thing. Judging lies versus truth is a difficult task, there are some times when it is easy and obvious, but most of the time it is more of a pseudoscience. I have work with people who do lie detector tests, they employ many of the same tactics you have talked about, and even with fancy machinery reading all your different levels to help them see your heart rate, sweat levels, etc., they come back inconclusive all the time, which is why it's not really admissible in a court of law.

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