TIL that Scottish fold cats are banned by the UK's pedigree cat registry because a genetic mutation that make their ears folded and their faces so cute also causes distortion of their limb bone shapes and severe painful arthritis.

That's not what the article says:

Some advocates for the breed say that responsible breeders never mate one Scottish fold to another, instead combining them with an American Shorthair or British Shorthair.

They claim that this leads to less possibility of congenital health problems.

"No. That's not the case," says Ms Ravetz from the British Veterinary Association.

"All cats with this folded ear appearance will have the genetic mutation.

"The rate at which they get the disease and the severity of the disease can be different but they will all to some degree have an incurable, painful and lifelong disease. We should not be breeding pets that can have these problems."

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - bbc.com