TIL: Some roads in Australia are so long that the Australian government counteracts the risk of fatigue by playing little trivia games on the side of the road.

Sorry, but I'm very skeptical on there being an unpaved road (not just a flat stretch of desert, an actual intentional road) that goes in a roughly straight line, for several hours nonstop, AND is also trafficked enough by humans to be considered in OP's question about the usual speed on long straightaways.

I know enough about Australia to know there are rural towns or houses that can take an hour or more to get to across dirt roads, and I know there's things like the Outback Way that have long unpaved sections, but these are either not trafficked by enough people for consideration in OP's generic curiosity, or not likely to be primary victims of fatigue if someone is exploring and enjoying the views.

I'm not trying to be a dick and assert I know more about Australia than you, of course I don't. Just trying to keep things in perspective about deducing average speed of an average driver on an average long straightaway. If you really don't want to answer that's your prerogative but a couple other people had no difficulty answering so I really don't get the fuss.

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