TIL The 'Technocracy' movement seek to revolutionize the social structure and create a society without crime, debt, or war. This trough replacing politicians with scientists and engineers, politics with science, and make North America a self-sufficient continent.

Relevant information:

-Wikipedia page on Technocracy

-Wikipedia on Technocracy Movement

Active website: www.technocracyinc.org

About Technocracy

  • Founded in 1933 as a membership organization
  • The organization is not religious, but also not opposed to religion
  • The organization is non political and active members of political parties are not allowed to belong to Technocracy

For some 14 years this group gathered data and came up with the following conclusions:

  • The continent of North America contains sufficient resources to provide every man, woman and child with an optimum standard of living.

  • We have both the technological know-how and the physical machinery to realize this goal.

  • In the face of advancing technology, human labor is being replaced, thus removing consuming power from a large portion of the population. Therefore, we must seek another means of distribution of goods and services to all citizens.

*On the basis of these findings, Technocracy, Inc. has formulated a plan for a scientific social design, a Technocracy in working form.

From Technocracy Inc:


For centuries people have dreamed of an age of peace and plenty, an age without crime, debt – or war! Would you believe that this North American Continent already has the above requirements to make that happen?

Technocracy’s Technological Continental Design has been ready for installation for over 80 years.

The small fraction of the population that controls our society today, has decided that it alone has the right to determine the direction of the whole society. Not too surprisingly, this consists of them continuing to do what they have been doing, only more of it. It is this mysterious “they” who decide what the whole society is to think and what ideas are fit for public consumption. This problem alone would indicate the need for social change – a change from the historical domestic confrontations or “revolutions” that in the past only resulted in a change of characters while the society in question regressed back to the same old problem. Technocracy would go beyond that and put in place a genuine revolution that would begin the way for society to truly achieve the enhancement of the human condition.

Core Values

  • Equal access to the basic amenities of life: It is one of our core views that all human beings must have access to the basic amenities of life, and thus they must be made available and accessible to all. This includes potable water, adequate food, shelter, and basic health care.

  • Quality of life: Improving the quality of life for all human beings is our ultimate goal, and thus must be reflected in all of our policies and actions.

  • Inclusion & accessibility: We maintain that all policies enacted and advocated must be inclusive and accessible to all citizens, and we hope to make life more affordable for everyone.

  • Respect: We acknowledge that society is made up of multi-faceted and diverse people, with varying opinions, and although we might disagree at times, we respect all of those opinions.

  • Accountability: We aim to make the government more accountable for their actions and their promises.


  • More accurate and fair distribution of wealth and resources

  • Abundance as much of a basic right in life as clean water, food and shelter

  • Government, social and economic decisions being made based on facts, benefit to man and common sense, rather than on political bias, corporate profit and corruption

  • An end to crime

  • An Education system that accommodates multi-faceted and diverse people with varying learning styles and is equally available to everyone.


Inform, Educate, Empower and Collaborate


  • To inform and educate the public on how our current government and social structure creates a lack of abundance and struggle for the general population.

  • To empower the people by showing them another way.

  • To gather people who are interested in assisting in the process of developing our alternative government and social structure.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - technocracyinc.org