TIL: Teenage Death Squads have already murdered hundreds this year.

If you can't see the negative there you are one of them

Please just go back to playing overwatch while complaining about vegans and trolls posting fake celeb nudes.

Seriously, a person who talks like rape is a victims fault has no right to have an opinion against what I choose to read. And apparently, I'm the one who is wrong...

"[SERIOUS] [NSFW] Men who have been raped by a woman, what happened? by thefloorisdown in AskReddit [–]ihadtothinkfast -2 points 2 years ago Try just not blacking out. It's your fault nobody made you drink nobody made you hang out with that girl. You chose to do it. Totally not any sort of rape happening at all. Sounds like getting drunk and changing you mind. That's what alcohol does it is a mood altering drug it changes how people think and what people do by choosing to drink you choose to take the chance of blacking out and doing something sober you wouldn't want to do."

Who is also has terrible grammar...

s Community an anti-social justice show? by communitysjw in community [–]ihadtothinkfast 1 point 2 years ago God this is going to be an annoying waist of time.

or this...

[–]ihadtothinkfast 6 points 2 years ago ...would trust someone who wanted to be naked with your kids as long as they say it isnt sexual?

Or very likely one who complains about trumps grab by the pussy comment while being a total hypocrite

What's the most desperate thing you have done, in order to have sex. NSFW by williams_street in AskReddit [–]ihadtothinkfast 2 points 3 years ago i...im just trying to say i...PUT THE PUSSY ONE THE CHAINWAX

Plus the repeated comments of just being a plain old ass/troll.

/r/TumblrInAction Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it