TIL: Tobacco companies spend the most money on advertising during the month of January, when more people will be attempting to quit smoking, as New Year’s resolutions.

Worked for me, Idk what's wrong with y'all

There are probably beliefs that you have that aren't true. Beliefs you only have because it was impossible to tell what was true and what was a lie and you didn't do research all the way to the source.

You're not unique. You don't have a super power. Humans are easy to manipulate with lies. Knowing this doesn't make you immune. Especially now that we live in a post truth world. It's virtually impossible to verify any information when all sources have been caught lying, manipulating, or misleading. How many people today think Salem burned witches? How many people think cereal is healthy? How many people think breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

I don't even know if any of that shit is true or false. I wasn't in fucking salem. Maybe the 'more weight' guy didn't exist. Maybe Jack in the Box was onto something with that breakfast shit. Everything is a lie, and if you think you're immune to trickery you're the best mark imaginable.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org