TIL two men para-glided off of the top of Mt. Everest, touching down over 15 miles away in only 42 minutes and avoiding the potentially deadly 3 day descent.

You are very correct about the winds. I have been paragliding since 1998 here in Vancouver and the Fraser Valley in BC. In 2012 I climbed Kilimanjaro with "Babu" (the tandem pilot who flew from Everest) and 98 other pilots to fly our paraglider's from the summit of Kili in an expedition called Wings of Kilimanjaro. Our goal was to make the largest ascent of Kilimanjaro - 200 pilots plus porters and in doing so raise 1 million US dollars. We also had a film crew filming a documentary, and a film crew from 60 Minutes. In the end we raised almost half a million US dollars for three local charities to help the local Tanzanian people in the Kilimanjaro region. Our failure to reach one million dollars were due to a few logistics that played out and prevented us from reaching our goal. Number one, we ended up with only 100 pilots willing to attempt it instead of the 200 intended. Another major factor was the wind. Why? As I said they were filming a documentary that was to be released and help raise the a portion of the funds. The trip had been planned based on years of weather pattern studies with the trade winds but sometimes Mother Nature has her own mind. After a week of climbing with 100 pilots, two film crews and 400 porters we reached the summit thus making a world record for the largest mass ascent of Kilimanjaro. The winds were very strong and we were stuck on the summit in the Crater for three days waiting for the winds to die down. It was very cold (-20C) and we ran out of water and food. At 20,000 feet you need to keep your water intake high and there ended up being a blockade of the water by the porters daisy chaining water up the mountain. They did not like the cold and the extra time at the top and wanted more money. We were getting weaker each day and on the third day the expedition Dr.'s called it and we were forced to head down. However eight people stayed behind, including Babu, for one more day. On the fourth day the winds died slightly and Babu managed to get off the mountain with a porter as a passenger in some very strong winds. He was the only pilot that managed to get in the air after many aborted launches. This unfortunately did not make a great ending for the film which ultimately has not been finished. We still raised half a million, Babu flew, we set a world record and made great friendships with people from around the world. Now it looks like there is possibly a Wings of Kilimanjaro part two in the works and I will be back in Africa for my chance to fly from the summit and help raise more funds for the great local people. You can look for the website Wings of Kilimanjaro.com. Pilot page I am Justin form Vancouver. Cheers J.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - abcnews.go.com