TIL two teenagers were found dead in Mexico after they had unknowingly bullied the son of a cartel member at their high school.

Wow, you really believe "Tickling is Torture" and is morally wrong. The world agrees on this too apparently. HAHAHAHHA. Holy shit man. Pull your head out of your arse. I hope you're on Tumblr.

Can't wait til I catch my flatmate tickling his son to scream "STOP torturer, you child abuser, what's wrong with you".

You're the biggest pussy I've ever encountered. What's considered torture was a big thing the past few years. Some people said Waterboarding was torture, others said it was fair game. I wonder why the controversy if everyone agrees anything that might be deemed torture is wrong. Could it be you're mistaken? Could it be that certain acts are deemed acceptable by some and not by others, almost as though they'd each chosen to draw a line in the sand on some sort of range of behaviour to designate what is and isn't acceptable. How do you not accept that there's a spectrum between perfectly acceptable and completely unacceptable? You're the most contrarian leftist douchebag I've yet encountered. If you were a race on Star Trek I'd honestly believe they'd gone too far. No one could be so stupid to think that there isn't a scale of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. It's either OK, or fucking horrible, according to you there is nothing in between. There is no doubt. You have spoken.

I'll explain your view on slavery based on your response to torture. It doesn't matter how you define it. It's all unjust. If it can be seen as slavery its morally unacceptable. This isn't even up for debate. It's all entirely unacceptable behaviour as someone is using another for their own personal gain and what gives them that right? It's not defensible. No corporation or individual should be able to tell another human what they need to do in order to get some sort of 'compensation' for their time/work. Slavery is wrong. There's no spectrum. Someone is telling someone else how to spend their time, what to do, who to do it for, and what they believe is acceptable, it's unjust. It's unacceptable. You can't make someone work 9-5 regardless of how they try to compensate someone. Life is all that people have, it is unjust to expect them to work for another regardless of 'justifications'. Working is slavery. It's all horrible. This isn't up for discussion. Doesn't matter is the common dictionary definition suggests otherwise. I can only see things from my perspective and I am infallible.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - translate.google.com