TIL two y/o Karlee Kosolofski was found dead, frozen to her porch in 1994. She had followed her dad out of the house on a -22°C morning and couldn't reach the handle to get back in. Over five hours later, she was found and amazingly revived with only the lower part of her leg needing amputation.

Yeah. Experts also say you should set up reminders, that it's better to be safe than proud and that if you ever forgot your keys, wallet, phone or anything you are perfectly capable of forgetting your child.

Read a really scary article about different parents whose kids died in cars because they forgot them. All it took in those cases was a bit of stress and that something wasn't exactly like it had always been; kid on a different car seat, a phone call at just the wrong moment, usually the other parent would drop the child of, a new car. The stories of the parents realiting far to late what they had done, running to their car and not even thinking about keys smashing their own windows just to find their kids already dead was heartbreaking to read.

Take safery measures folks. Our brains have a shit ton of work to do and sometimes barely have the capacity for it.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - cbc.ca