TIL upon graduating, Teddy Roosevelt's doctor advised him to pursue a desk job and avoid strenuous physical activity due to serious heart problems. Ignoring this, he instead pursued activities like regular exercise, boxing, tennis, hiking, rowing, polo and horseback riding, even into his presidency.

Your contention is that Roosevelt has to support Trump because he wouldn't be comfortable with liberal gender reform or identity politics. The thing about guys like Roosevelt is that they are leaders. He would just support neither if he wasn't inclined. The false dichotomy right wing media uses to control you and point you toward Trump as a leader would not work on an all-time historical badass like TR. You don't have to support Trump just because you dislike the other platform. If you're a free thinker you can choose neither and Roosevelt did exactly that throughout his life which is exactly why he was and is still recognized as a total fucking badass.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org