TIL Vietnam has their own version of Bigfoot. The creature is called a Batutut and various tribes have claimed to have captured living specimens but without evidence to show. During the Vietnam War, U.S. servicemen reported seeing the creatures which they dubbed "Rock Apes"

The fact you even think that's a fair analogy shows how much you need to balance out your thinking/attitude about metaphysical speculation and your philosophy on the nature of reality. The scientific aspects of observation and what can be "put under a microscope" only deals with repeatable physical laws that the universe generally (possibly, if you postulate the existence of a 'God' or the supernatural then a 'miracle' is possible in that world-view) runs on. Now, because a belief in bigfoot does deal with what's supposedly in the physical realm, then your analogy is actually quite fair, I was just commenting on the idea of anything spiritual/metaphysical/supernatural, etc. Remember, the word supernatural does not mean against nature but above nature (real key point there actually).

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org