TIL Vikings didn’t wear horned helmets

Recent dental isotope analysis indicates that women across social classes were far more likely to suffer from malnutrition than men, and nutrition disparity between the wealthy and the average Viking was pretty large. Similar studies on English remains from the same period actually showed that at least as far as diet was concerned, the English ate much better, the nutrition between men and women was not nearly as pronounced, and most surprisingly, the diet of kings was virtually identical to that of peasants.

Women could also hold property in England, and during this period at one point a woman was even crowned queen with no husband as king, and when she died, at least for a time, she was able to pass the crown on to her daughter, and she also personally led armies and took part in war.

I say this because the English were still quite connected to their Germanic roots and the cultural differences between them and the Vikings was not all that different.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - scandinaviafacts.com