TIL that Walt Disney accidentally "kidnapped" Richard Nixon by dispatching his monorail train before the Secret Service could get on. The agents ran after the train and attempted to jump onboard but the doors had already closed. Monorail pilot Bob Gurr was terrified; Nixon got a kick out of it.

Dude, you’re just making shut up off the top of your head. He didn’t found the MPA but aside from that

The main focus of the MPPDA in its early years was on producing a strong public relations campaign to ensure that Hollywood remained financially stable and able to attract investment from Wall Street, while simultaneously ensuring that American films had a “clean moral tone”. The MPPDA also instituted a code of conduct for Hollywood’s actors in an attempt to govern their behavior offscreen. Finally, the code sought to protect American film interests abroad by encouraging film studios to avoid racist portrayals of foreigners

Quit spreading bullshit you’ve heard on the internet.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - altdisney.org