TIL That when Christopher Reeve (the man who played Superman) was about to receive the surgery to reattach his skull to his spine after falling off a horse, Robin Williams cheered him up by dressing as his character from Nine Months and proclaiming that Reeve will be getting a rectal exam.

What we really need is an artificial, biological network-router...

for cases like this, in which a patient's brain and nervous system have been "disconnected".

It is very likely that in the next 1 to 2 decades, we will indeed be able to use an artificial circuit to shunt 100 percent of all data transmitted by the brain, to the nervous system, and vice versa.

They are after all just "electrical signals" in the end, and many of our larger computer networks today route/shunt much more data.

So... I strongly suspect that sooner, rather than later, we'll be able to create a biological router/switch, to act as a go between, between the brain and the rest of the nervous system.

(Probably the biggest challenge right now is creating interfaces small enough to connect such an electronic device directly to the individual tiny fibers and channels of the nervous system.)

If such a device were available to Christopher Reeve, it would have cured his condition 100 percent, and he would have literally just been able to get up, and walk away, after surgery.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org