TIL when Nintendo had a fall in revenue from the less successful Wii U its CEO cut his pay in half for 5 months rather than blame workers

See, you think life is meant to be fair. It's not. My original point stands - you want to live in some kind of utopian neo -socialist candyland, and blame others because that place doesn't exist. Nobody stole your opportunities - you never had them... or maybe you did and squandered them without realizing it. It's largely irrelevant because either way you are Joe the Welder because you lack ability, motivation, and/or means to be Chad the CEO. Be upset all you like about the injustice of it all - it functionally changes nothing.

People certainly do start business empires without a giant pile of money inherited from their great-grandfather. I'm sorry if you are not clever or determined enough to make it happen, but that is nobody's fault but yours. It's unfair, but it is true.

Nobody cares if you got a fair shake or equal opportunities. The sooner you come to terms with that and lose the entitled rhetoric the sooner you can get on to the work of accomplishing your goals. Blaming others for their advantages is an excuse, whether it is true or not.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - businessinsider.com.au