TIL that when Winston Churchill Sold Chartwell, the family home, to the National Trust, he required that there always be a marmalade cat named Jock in "comfortable residence." The Trust honored that request. The current occupant is Jock VII, a six month old rescue kitten.

I mean, yeah, but imagine not being white anywhere the British had influence under his leadership

"I hate Indians, they are a beastly people with a beastly religion."

He referred to Palestinians as "barbaric hordes who ate little but camel dung."

He infamously lamented the "squeamishness" of his colleagues, who were not in "favor of using poisoned gas against uncivilized tribes."

"As a junior member of parliament, Churchill had cheered on Britain's plan for more conquests, insisting that its "Aryan stock is bound to triumph.""

He described Ghandi as a half naked and seditious fakir. He presided over the death of 3 million people in the Bengal famine which was almost entirely due to british mis management and contempt. He dismissed the deaths because they "bred like rabbits".

He was a key figure in saving britain from the nazis. But he was also a key figure in throwing the homosexuals straight back into the concentration camps because they deserved to be there, and the chemical castration of Alan Turing despite Turing's role in the war.

I grew up hearing endless stories of how amazing he was. Then I learned a bit about things other than the blitz and jesus christ I feel dirty

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nationaltrust.org.uk