TIL that Willie Nelson's (ex) wife sewed him up in a sheet and beat him with a broomstick. His comment: "She was a very classy, ingenious, brilliant lady, and I was a problem at times."

Where I'm from (Canada), young women are first in line for a construction job amongst other careers. The government grants subsidies to companies that do this. Females are also first in line for government funding to learn a skilled trade. Meanwhile, people with many more years of experience and who are much more qualified are collecting employment insurance or working minimum wage. It's not that I'm against the feminism movement- but in cases like this gender equality is out the window, and people are getting jobs based on their gender (again). We're right back where we started, the only difference is it's in favour of the other side of the gender spectrum. Getting a job should be based on your qualifications and ability to do the job. Yes, construction has a male majority employed but some careers appeal more to different demographics of people. If women wanted to dominate the construction industry in Canada presently, they could. The interest just isn't there. This is just another perspective to consider- maybe I'm very wrong about this.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - nytimes.com