TIL of a Word Conference that took place between 1932-1934 where all major powers agreed upon global disarmament; except the US

Wow, what complete bullshit you just wrote.

Go back to basic English class.

The talks were beset by a number of difficulties from the outset. Among these were disagreements over what constituted "offensive" and "defensive" weapons, and the polarization of France and Germany. The increasingly military-minded German governments could see no reason why their country could not enjoy the same level of armaments as other powers, especially France. The French, for their part, were equally insistent that German military inferiority was their only insurance from future conflict as serious as they had endured in the First World War. As for the British and US governments, they were unprepared to offer the additional security commitments that France requested in exchange for limitation of French armaments.

The talks broke down and Hitler withdrew Germany from both the Conference and the League of Nations in October 1933. The 1930s had proved far too self-interested an international period to accommodate multilateral action in favour of pacifism.

Germany didn't want to give up their Arms because they wanted to be equal to the French. The French didn't want to give up their Arms because they were terrified of Germany waging war again and didn't want to lose their only advantage.

England didn't want to back up the French defense because that costs money and Europe was still going through an economic crisis that was even worse than the American great depression.

The US didn't want to back up France because that costs money. Remember what the US was going through in the 30's all the way up to the start of WWII for the US? That's right. The Great Depression.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - en.wikipedia.org