TIL Yao Ming's conservation campaigns have led to a 50% reduction in the consumption of shark fin soup in China

No one can make you care, ethics is a subjective concept. But here are a few things to think about. I only ask that you reflect on what I'm about to say and realize that that is not a personal attack on you.

I'll try to address some of your points:

They're about to die. I don't care. They're never going to feel anything ever again, they're not damaged for life, they aren't struggling afterward, they're dead. Why do we care what happens to an animal seconds before it never feels anything ever again?

The idea that we shouldn't care what happens to animals after their dead ignores the obvious fact that we had to kill them for them to be dead. It is the fact that an animal is being killed that many vegans/vegetarians take issue with.

If they're being mean to them, okay, I get it. if they're hurting them before they're about to die, okay, I get it. But tossing the damn things into a grinder, who cares? They're dying. They're going to die regardless. What is the big deal? They exist to die, you realize?

From this I gather that you're, like most people, against inflicting unnecessary pain on the animals. Vegans/vegetarians simply take this idea one step further and are against the unnecessary death of animals.

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