It is time to ANNEX most settlements. NOW.

valid points - as mentioned i don't have sure answers - i'm not a politician ;)

but here are my 2 cents:

  1. i'm not sure about this - first of all it is very simplified, press this button you get x and that button you get y. i don't think the world works that way - things of this nature are always a process. radicalization usually occurs when people have no hope for better life.

  2. Trump may be re-elected - and there will be someone to follow him. and i think it's no unlikely his presidency in retrospect is going to enjoy little legitimacy - we should be careful not to put Israel in the same box as Trump. we are a nation - not a country club.

  3. my belief in a two state solution obviously is not about the present - it's about the future. so of course currently there is no Palestinian state. but there was a time when there wasn't an Israel or Jordan either. the UN decided in 1947 that two nations will form in the area west of the Jordan river - that is the historic and legal basis for the founding of the nation of Israel (not religion). Jordan is not part of the UN 1947 resolution and is not the Palestinian state, even the name says it's the Hashmite Kingdom of Jordan.

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