The time my ndad got fired...

Sorry I took so long! I'm going to start writing this now, and if I run out of time (I am having my coffee before going upstairs to blowdry my hair and get dressed for work), I will finish it up later.

So I will start off by saying that my mother was always the breadwinner in our family. She went to college, got a degree, worked hard, and climbed the chain, eventually making six figures. My father dropped out after one or two years of college spent heavily drinking. He married my mother, knocked her up with me at 21, and got a job working security. He later got a job working for the circulation office of a major local newspaper. I worked there too, for years, with him, luckily in a different office. (I worked in the call center, he worked as a district manager in a branch office. Don't let the word "'manager" fool you, it's a low paying job.) He worked there for over 25 years. In typical N fashion, he was adored by the people who hardly knew him, and abhored by the people who knew him well. In the beginning, things went well. They even offered him a promotion to branch manager, and he turned it down. Eventually his true colors showed, and they started working on getting rid of him. Once they caught him manipulating some poor girl in the call center into removing complaints for him, which made it look like his district was performing much better than it actually was. Spoiler: that poor girl was me. He had me completely fooled and I had no idea we were breaking rules. There was official paperwork to submit to remove complaints that his boss should sign off on, but he would call or email me and say his boss OK'd it, and I just believed him. I remember the day that my boss came to my desk looking confused as hell and said HR wanted to meet with us. I went in to find a stack of printouts of emails between my father and I, and things like that. They had my father in a room in his branch office at the same time. Luckily I had never been secretive about it and had even casually mentioned it to my boss a few times. So they called me a cab and sent me home and said they would call me after they decided if I could keep my job or not. I loved my job (call center supervisor) and waas so scared. In the end, they didn't fire us, and the circulation director (who was who both of us treed up to) told me in confidence that they wanted to fire my father, but not me, but HR said that they had to do the same thing to both of us, so they kept him to not lose me. That was a real learning experience for me! That was also one of my mother's first eye-opening moments. That morning I had been bragging about how much I loved my job.

OK I need to go. I was going to tell you how he got fired from this job, and then how he got fired from the next one. Let me know if you're still interested and I will finish later.

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