It's time Pokemon 'boxes' were introduced

Almost in the middle of a city with 2M people. Even without battling there's bound to be a gym with open slots here or there and then you get a few coins for pretty much doing nothing.

I guess the game is just not that popular in my country. We're not very open to talking to strangers. We don't like being talked to on the subway and we tend to not bother others with that. Imagine how much people liked it when PoGo started to force us to do the social stuff. Wait at a raid to just participate quietly, you're "risking" being talked to. See someone else, you don't talk to them because they probably don't want to be bothered. It's really not well suited for our local mentality. So many people just stopped having fun with the game, so now you pretty much have to talk to others even in the inner city (you don't find even a single other random player anywhere else) and of course that makes it even worse. Doesn't help that the game is so tailored to social now that there is little else of interest.

So that's the situation over here, although I wouldn't think getting coins would be a problem if twice as many people were playing.

/r/TheSilphRoad Thread Parent