Timely reminder that we still have their flag and they're not getting it back.

In what instances did he say he was going to end slavery? What instances did he say he was going to have Congress write legislation to end slavery? In his 1861 inaugural address he specifically said he had no intention of ending slavery. And when war broke out he specifically said in the quote I offered, that he he would end the war by guaranteeing that slavery would not be threatened.

You don't know that there were various disputes between the north and the south besides slavery belies the fact that you only know what popular culture wants you to know. There were various tarriffs the North imposed on imported goods that the industrious north used to finance its growth, but hurt the South because its agrarian economy relied on goods from Europe. The import tax was hiked from 15-37%. With more states entering the Union as non-slave states, the South would never be able to do anything about as their representatives and senators could never overtake those of the North. The North would dominate the South in all leglislative matters and there is nothing they could do about it.

As you said yourself, abolition only came later in the war, and only partially, with the Emancipation Proclamation. So what had the North and South been fighting for to begin with if it was only towards the end of the war that abolition came about?

Once again, someone disagrees with you, someone flies a confederate flag, someones votes for Trump, someone is a Republican, call them a racist. Apologist for treasonous slavers, fuck you. If all you are gonna do is call people racists and bigots because they believe in more than a one-dimensional myopic view than you're nothing but a useful idiot buying into the same fascism that convinced the "others" in Germany were evil people who deserved to be vilified and hated. Keep thinking you're some freedom fighting crusader and eventually it will justify any behavior towards people you disagree with.

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