The Tin Audio T2 has been dethroned as the best IEM under $50 - BQEYZ KB100


Alright guys you wanted it you got it more bass. Now this isn’t some bone rattling monster like the BQ3 but none the less it does a very good job giving you quality bass as well as nice clean lows that allow you to feel the music. The best way to describe it is in between the T2 and something like the BQ3 or RevoNext QT2 you get bass but you’re not knocked on your butt by it. Now I like bass like I’ve said before so I’ll always take more but in this instance the amount of bass is perfectly fine. I think they found a great balance to make sure the rest of the frequencies could also shine. I will mention I did use foam tips when testing which gave me the best seal and bass for them. However I think anything that gives you a good seal will be good to ensure the best bass quality and fit.

/r/BudgetAudiophile Thread Link -