Tinder Classmate Blocked Me On WhatsApp After Telling Her I Saw Her On There

Okay, so at this point we might start debating. Notice that I said debating and not arguing because in this situation I'm more interested in the discussion and not being right. Okay... So notice you mentioned that looks are "a door" to your soul. But what if that door is unappealing? If it is, no one is going to want to look inside the room. They will just assume that the room is as unappealing as the door itself. And even if there were someone curious enough to want to look inside unappealing doors, whose to say they will pick your door? I mean your door is not the only one on the block. It would be totally up to probability being in your favor. That guy who is an 8 won't have this situation. He will have a series of trial and error until he either improves his room well enough to be just as appealing as his door or will be more likely to meet someone accepting of his room the way it currently is. He will reach a sort of equilibrium much sooner. He will be more motivated to keep his room clean as the time intervals in-between which someone explores his room will be much shorter than that of the guy with an unappealing door.

/r/amiugly Thread Parent