Tiny floof with tiny claws

Imagine a million times the flavor of your favorite food or an orgasm. How about a trillion. Don't you want that? That's what you get each time you worship. So if you say worship ten times you get 10 billion times an orgasm for ~30 minutes and so on. Visit atheismisover.com for how. See it even if you believe in God.

This site proves God exists! The site is atheismisover.com Check it out

God had to of create time; and time has a beginning,  middle, and end. So God has no beginning as time doesn't apply to him before he created it. What created the big bang before it began?

Everything has a creator except God he always existed as he created time and the concept of a beginning.

Please just believe God exists there is no harm and you get rewarded. It's like you become a billionaire in the next life if you die believing. Why not? Still see the site for how to worship for better reward.

Some refute God by his allowing of suffering but God teaches that he rewards for suffering. Would you starve for 5 years for a million dollars? Also you only suffer if you prefer to suffer for the reward.

Thank you and have a great day!

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