Tip - Fastest way to make VC after patch 1.03

A few days ago I made a quick video to show how to make VC through MyCarer post patch 1.03 (https://www.reddit.com/r/NBA2k/comments/72keoo/tipguide_how_to_get_vc_easy_post_patch_103/) While it was ok, it still required you to go through a bunch of cutscenes and pre game shows every time and you would get 500ish VC for every 4-5 minutes. Here’s a new method, by which you get 400 VC every 2-3 min. Step by step * Go to Play Now online * Pick any team and search * In the pre game screen with 60 second timer you have to either wait some 20-30 seconds (I go 30 just to be safe) and then you have to press the PS button on your controller to open up PSN XMB. * Go to Settings - Network - Test Internet Connection * That will make you lose connection and you can stop the test and go back in the game. * After re-connecting to 2K servers you’ll notice that you got 400 VC. * To repeat you need to wait maybe 1 minute or so and you can go again and again. (Also note that if your opponent quits during the 60 second timer - YOU WILL ALSO BE AWARDED THE 400 VC without even having to do anything) Its fairly simple after you do it once.

/r/NBA2k Thread Link - youtube.com