
haven't played in ages, most of this is timeless. I'm an ADC main or was I guess

  • DUEL if you are bronze, you are making lots of mistakes. I can assure you, being a bronze player, if u watch a few meta tryhard duelers and copy their strats u will learn mindsets that help in conq. Knowing when to fight and invading etc. Also helps aim. Play gods in duel you'd actually play in conq.

-LOWGODPOOL , if you are playing a different god every game stop. Stick to like 3-5 ADCs. Tbh one tricking is optimal but some get bored. Don't even consider meta at bronze. Any adc can 1v9 in bronze, I assure you, even against meta teams. I'd recommend auto based, simple ADCs like Apollo chernobog (idk meta).

-builds are easy for ADC. Usually there's two builds crit and non crit. Just look at GM streamers or YouTubers and copy. Rarely the build requires any thought. Unless the meta has changed, and crit is dogwater, crit is usually op in low ranks because it is better in 1v1s and enemies don't counter with anti crit.

-basics, know how to clear the first camps fast. There is some depth like hitting the big creep with an auto. Also know if you are getting outcleared and run away if so. If you are chronos and geb against ymir anhur you will get outcleared. Don't fight unless they fuck up.

-know the matchup, terms of gods and items. If you are one item ahead fight enemy ADC. If u are Houyi against anhur, u have t2 Devs and he has devos and is stacking. Unless you know he's a trash and misses everything don't fight that.

-play the 2v2 if you and Ur supp are better, else play passive and get Ur supp out of Ur lane asap. U need to carry and for that u need farm.

-WARD, keep track of the enemy jungler and supp always know where they are. Keep checking the map. 40% of ganks are predictable without wards 90% with wards. You should never be getting ganked in bronze

-know when to be greedy, invading is key. If Ur not outlevelling everyone in the lobby , Ur doing something very wrong. Invade purple on CD , no excuse not to when u know the enemy jungler is somewhere else. Don't get too greedy, if you know they are at enemy red be careful about invading.

-u need to dominate the jungle on Ur side, whilst getting every wave and also stopping the enemy from farming by either killing them or freezing or make them recall

-know when you are able to 2v1 or 3v1. Don't be scared if you are 5 levels ahead of everyone and you get ganked by a jungler. This is bronze, you can probably 2v1. Know when u can't fight as well.

-dont take tower early. If they pressure u and take tower early freeze Ur wave at Ur T2 whilst last hitting.

-if Ur not sure about rotating, don't. If there's farm on Ur side, don't. If Ur ahead by a lot, you should be rotating because you should have pressure to do all the camps, invade and shove waves under tower and even proxy giving u time to rotate

-if Ur whole team is behind, don't rotate. Split push unless you know for certain Ur rotation is worth it.

-stay behind your frontline. Don't get picked. If your mid is a good player, stay close to them lategame. Target whoever comes into Ur kill range, u should shred tanks

Some of this could be wrong, lengthy post but I missed a lot. U didn't really give any specific information but this should get you out of bronze. Learning duel to a basic level guarantees u plat minimum

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