Tips for Applying to McIntire

Too often I see people so focused on getting into Comm school, thinking once they get in, everything is set and they are guaranteed to make 6 figs outta college. That is not guaranteed, and you will have to work hard regardless. If anything McIntire helps you reach a higher playing field, but once you are there your competition also changes. You will be competing with fellow McIntire students and other top business students form Ivys and other schools. Many of these students will have high GPAs and a ton of organization under their belt. I really want to emphasize finding other things you’re passionate about to distinguish yourself from other qualified business students. Getting jobs in Finance is so much about the impressions you leave on others, so make sure you come off as interesting, confident, and unique. I might also suggest that if you can, start researching companies you would be interested in and network with alumni from these companies through LinkedIn. Also be diligent on Handshake, and look for events from your companies of interest (probably virtual now). Last thing is, I really recommend looking more into different finance roles and deciding where you wanna end up. Certain roles like IB, will require you to know many technical questions and there are many books to help you prepare for this, but try to start as early as possible instead of cramming few days/weeks before an interview.

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