Tips for breaking the plateau?

Best thing I learned was to progressive overload your eating. Start going for 3,200 per day. Then when you plateau again go for 3,400. You need to be upping it as you get bigger, 3,000 forever wont work.

It sounds obvious and it probably is to most, but I just stuck at 3,000kcal for ages and I spent about 1 year at 72kg. I find that every time I add 200kcal daily it gets me up around +2.5kg before I need to up it again (and thats relatively short term. I could probably get away with eating less atm). Thats an extra glass of milk a day to add 1kg before I gotta up it again. It's all just habits.

I used to struggle to eat 3,000 and would feel sick over and over and genuinley thought i had an eating disorder/something was wrong with me, but now I can eat 3,800 and its just about my limit. Then I'll up to 4,000 and 3,800 will be easy. If it feels uncomfortable then its working. But you do have to push even further past what's already uncomfortable to make the uncomfortable comfortable.

Also the best cheat/hack you will ever get is wake up earlier so you have more time to eat. A bit extreme example but im inbetween college (uk) and uni so no job/school right now and I found myself waking up at 2pm some days and staying up til 3. Made it wayyy harder.

Anyway hope you enjoyed my life story and best of luck to you.

/r/gainit Thread