Tips for rekindling a marriage

Here are a few notable things that have helped my marriage. First therapy, while I've never participated in marriage counseling, I've done individual therapy. This improved my marriage simply because I became a better me.

Then I would get a notebook and start recording the things you love, or appreciate about your wife. This can be anything.

A few years ago, as my 20th anniversary approached, I thought one of the things I would do for my wife would be to write out 20 reasons why I loved her.

Initially I thought, because I love my wife so much this would be an easy task, well it wasn't. I didn't understand why, because normally as I go about my day, it's common for to think about these things.

So I started carrying a pocket notebook, so I could record anything that popped into my head. What happened is that I started to notice just how much she truly blesses my life.

The last thing involves continuing to date your wife. Once during a slump, I recalled the excitement I felt when we first started dating, versus the state of our relationship at that moment. I asked myself, what had changed?

The most glaringly obvious thing, was that I had stopped trying to pursue her. So I started taking her on dates (not just doing stuff together) and that spark quickly returned.

So I decided I would make a constant effort to woo my wife. Not just running errands together, but actively trying to win her affection. What a difference this has made.

/r/Marriage Thread