Tips on winning when you're in the top 10?

What I find that helps, is watching for latecomers, distance yourself a little between the edge of the circle and the safe zone so you can be prepared to book it. After clearing out potential hostiles behind you coming from the zone, it is a good idea to pick a side of the circle and just clear it, and slowly work to the circle. You have to be decisive, and shoot to kill immediately, a small fuckup in your aim and you are dead. Many players in the top 10 are there for a reason, some may be campers or cowards but you are among the elite there so have solid kills. After that it mostly comes to circle luck, if you cannot spot the last players try flushing them out with nades, if not get read to crawl. However the key in the endgame is to kill as much as you can, it may reveal your situation, but there is possibly players who are nervous and may have shaky aim because of it. Be cool and composed and you can come out on top. I won a game 3 days in a row just maintaining my composure and aiming, not to mention the circles were fucking me, I had no choice but to kill many if not all remaining players in the top 5.