Tips to reduce loneliness/sadness

I'm a vegan so I don't really trust restaurants. I go to health food shops and supermarkets then eat in the hotel room. Not very sociable I know but why put oneself in a situation where I'm going to feel lonely?

For Tolle, just go to Youtube. There's even a clip about a guy who's travelling on his own and feels lonely.

Here it is.

Just experience the present using your senses and make it a habit. I've noticed that when I notice my breathing and stay with it I can't be unhappy. So it's a process of coming back to the present moment. I'm not saying it's easy but it does work.

I've been through this as well. Back in my 30s I travelled a bit on my own and felt the same issues. It's because I was overly preoccupied with my thoughts.

Almost all of our problems are ruminations about the past or worry about the future.

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