Why Tips Won: They’re outdated. They’re discriminatory. And they aren’t going anywhere.

Also, people who don’t agree with. tipping baffle me

  • I hate being asked to pay extra money on top of menu price just because restaurant owners don't want to pay living wages. Raise the price or don't expect a specific amount of tip.
  • It's inconsistent. Why am I expected to tip a bartender who hands me a bottled beer, but not the worker who hands me a fountain drink? It's the same amount of work. Why do I tip a server that brings my food from point A to point B, but not the mechanic that spends hours getting dirty working on my car?
  • If it's about being service like royalty then why am I prompted to tip for simple counter service at fast food restaurants? Order a slice of pizza, coffee, etc., and the cashier turns the tablet around and I'm prompted to tip 15%.
  • I wouldn't care if it was a set fee included on the bill, but the current fill-in-the-blank, choose-your-own-rate-but-it-better-be-xx%-or-else-youre-a-garbage-human system that we have right now puts servers and diners in an adversarial position. I'm not responsible for paying you, your employer is.

in a high end restaurant you sit on your ass and get 2-5 courses served to you, plus drinks whenever you need them.. you don’t feel the urge to be appreciative in the form of $$

  • In real high end restaurants gratuity is included in the price.
/r/Foodforthought Thread Parent Link - grubstreet.com