So tired of living

I was actually in a very similar situation my sophomore year. I was miserable. I absolutely hated where I went to school, I had 0 friends, and I had a very distant girlfriend that lived 4 hours away - which in hindsight made me even more lonely. My first year was shitty (bad roommate, plagued with illness, and a very big lack of desire to go to class). Sophomore was worse. I sat in my room all day and was just sad. I ended up gaining a lot of weight because the only thing i enjoyed each day was eating a delicious meal, which often ended up being a horrendously unhealthy pizza or something else. What I can tell you is this: It may be exhausting, but try to think of what you can do to fix your situation. I know, this sounds like complete bullshit and easier said than done...and maybe it is. But what I CAN tell you is that it ended up working for me. I figured out that my problem was the school. It was a huge university in a location that I absolutely hated. I started to realize i needed a more intimate, smaller school environment where I could find people with the same interests as me. After a bit of time searching, I was able to find a school in the same state (yay in state tuition) that fit the bill for me perfectly. I spent the past two years of college absolutely loving it because I found people who cared and who loved the same things i loved. You might be surprised how much things can improve in your life when you are able to change your environment. I can't guarantee this will work for you, but it did for me. It changed my life. I seriously hope you consider this, and that you are worth something to somebody.

/r/SuicideWatch Thread