Titanic Survival by Passenger Class and Type [OC]

Yeah there seems to be some disparity between "oh that is interesting" and the data actually being presented in a coherent and effective way. If we're asking if this data effectively conveys information, I would say it does.

The bold points in the side bar however stress: Aesthetics are an important part of information visualization, but pretty pictures are not the sole aim of this subreddit.

Aesthetics in conveying information seem to be the core mission of this sub, and it's why I came here originally, but it's not solely required. Maybe there could be a sub where the aesthetics of data visualization is the sole aim and its users can take all the clunky graphs posted here and make them actually look good.

That being said, I still found this post interesting. Wasn't aware of the level of disparity between classes and men.

/r/dataisbeautiful Thread Parent Link - reddit.com