TL;DR of the AMA: "We'll be [looking into] changing parts of the game you hate which may or may not be satisfactory or even happen. Except for gamble boxes, microtransactions, and anything that makes us money... we're keeping those."

Thanks to the OP of this message whose name I forget.

Hijacking the top comment to post this. One article isn’t enough guys, we need more mainstream media outlets talking about this to turn up the heat on Disney & EA. Here’s a list of tech journalists with their Twitters, reach out and tell them to run a story on this: (Edit: make sure to emphasize the gambling for kids angle. Soccermoms wont care about a game being difficult to level up in or it taking many hours. They will, however, refuse to buy a game for their children that involves gambling with their real life money. EA clearly doesn’t care about anything but money, but Disney is known to protect their kids-friendly image at all costs and will not appreciate EA ruining this for a quick buck. Keep in mind that holiday season is around the corner, and this demographic refusing to buy the game for their kids will make a significant dent in sales & EA’s quarterly earnings. Also feel free to copy paste this list in any relevant discussion on this and other subs.) CNN: Laurie Segall @LaurieSegallCNN Seth Fiegerman @sfiegerman Heather Kelly @heatherkelly MSNBC: Bob Sullivan @RedTapeChron Alyssa Newcomb @AlyssaNewcomb ABC (owned by Disney, so maybe a long shot): Andrea Smith CBS: Jeff Bakalar @jeffbakalar CNBC: Josh Lipton @CNBCJosh Julia Boorstin @JBoorstin Jon Fortt @jonfortt Los Angeles Times: Paresh Dave @peard33 Tracey Lien @traceylien USA Today: Jon Swartz @jswartz Jefferson Graham @jeffersongraham Scott Martin @scottysmartin Elizabeth Weise @eweise The New York Times: Steve Lohr @SteveLohr Mike Isaac @MikeIsaac Farhad Manjoo @fmanjoo Wall Street Journal: Wilson Rothman @wjrothman Washington Post: Brian Fung @b_fung Hayley Tsukayama @htsuka Elizabeth Dwoskin @lizzadwoskin The Guardian: Jonathan Haynes @JonathanHaynes Julia Carrie Wong @julliacarriew Samuel Gibbs Alex Hern @alexhern Olivia Solon @oliviasolon BBC: Email at [email protected] or Twitter @BBC_HaveYourSay

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