TL;DR: Today we're testing out a new feature that will allow users to post directly to their profile

Yeah, seriously, this is just a completely terrible idea all around.

  • People can stalk you more easily

  • People can see the subs you most frequently browse

  • Companies/People are going to publicise the shit out of it

  • Censorship is going to be ripe

  • Users are going to be less anonymous

  • It's currently planned to be opt-OUT rather than opt-IN

  • It's going to cause less activity amongst communities and will stop subreddit growth and creation

  • It provides extremely little purpose and adds basically nothing

  • It's turning Reddit into a social media clone or 'YouTube-like'. In other words, people are going to become obsessed with 'followers' and will start creating more click baity, stupid shit that will increase spam.

Like, what are the benefits of introducing this system? I'll tell you what:

  • Reddit gets more advertising revenue as it's easier for companies to advertise and provides a new platform for sponsors and ads.

  • Reddit creates more safe spaces for those who love censorship and hate opposing opinions because they can't be arsed dealing with them.

Now, as harsh as that sounds, it's true. This whole idea is complete and utter shambles. Just stop it now.

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