TLJ is exactly what this franchise needed.

It’s literally a hodgepodge of re-enactments of better scenes from other Star Wars movies. I’m baffled when people say it’s new when I sat there in the theater watching a battle literally staged in the same fashion as hoth, almost down to the shot, and scenes like Rey forced to watch as the resistance is blown out of the sky in the exact same fashion as return of the Jedi. The other half is like Rian Johnson memorized a Chomsky essay but backwards. Like I’m not sure he entirely understands that if you implicate both sides In weapons dealing to the main protagonist, it would not be difficult for him to put together that both First Order money and New Republic/Resistance money has gone to directly fund the slavery of children. And since he himself is a former child slave and soldier would harden his resolve to escape.

Dear lord, do people have an inflated sense of smug self satisfaction about this movie.

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