Today in Everyone's A Neuroscientist Suddenly, apparently "ADHD diagnosis is a dog-whistle for closeted ASD" (!!!!). Just. What.

It isn't unreasonable, given the overlap and lack of understanding cause. Autism/Asperger's were combined relatively recently. No excuse for being confident though, since the only thing we know for sure is that humans have no idea how the brain works, what psych meds do/how they do it, and what causes autism, adhd, dyslexia, etc.

Lots of *guesses* and correlations, some of which have been disproven. Depression, ADHD, . . . any time the meds are just "try this", and "higher, lower, or the next one"... that means we have no actual understanding of what is going on, just some chemicals seem to work for some people with these symptoms, but not all the people, and some do better on this or that. r/SCT is basically a weird proto-syndrome right now, it might be part of ADHD, it might be a whole new attention disorder that gets misdiagnosed. Odds are high we'll decide between those options based on what trial and error meds work and not by understanding it. ADHD meds work at about ADHD rates? subtype. This weird hair growth med taken with a sleep aid and this herbal supplement fixes your ability to not space out for 8 hours? Probably means SCT isn't ADHD.

/r/adhdwomen Thread