Today I (F21) told my little sister (F19) that our older brother molested me, but now I think she might have been too by him. Our mom has gaslighted both of our traumas.

I scratched my arms until I bled as a form of self-harm at that age (which got me referred to a therapist), my sister and I had very early symptoms of anxiety and depression, I had a lot of stomach issues, my sister had frequent vomiting from an unknown cause, we got a lot of random pains in the body, we both started gaining a bunch of weight after 9 years old, and worsening school performance, and had extreme sensitivities to being touched.

Oh hello. My twin and I have had basically all the same symptoms from 30 years ago, when our uncle went crazy after my aunt left him and he tried to kill her. A lot of shit happened - we were not allowed outside at all with cops in our house 24/7, our school was under lockdown and we had a cop with us at all times even in class.

My sister has blocked out most of her childhood. I have a few memories. When I smell a certain type of cigarette I flashback to a basement with patterned wallpaper, an old rocking chair, and my uncle's legs in light denim. I still get a panic attack when I smell it.

I remember a therapist with a puppet.

My parents don't really talk about what happened back then. I've tried to probe, but they divert. I know my mom did... something to him. She's said as much, but been super vague. No one talks about it. Because they know we don't remember and my sister flat out says she doesn't want to remember. I'm feel the same way, but the memories are still there a bit for me.

I know he got out of jail after about 3 years and started a new family. I know he's dead now, for about 15+ years.

But I'm 37 years old and I still can't get intimate, neither has my sister from what I know. I still barricade my apartment door before I go to bed every night.

But I'm also okay. I have a wonderful relationship with my parents and my sister. I have fun hobbies and a good job and friends. Life is actually pretty good.

You two have each other. Just be there for each other, and you'll be okay.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread