Today I found out that the guy I‘m seeing is taking drugs. Should I leave even though I don’t want to?

It's too late for you to see this I guess, but still. My fiance was/is on drugs. I knew this in the beginning but he was still functional, even tho he was shooting up oxy. I helped him pay for rehab and suboxone hoping he'd kick it. He didn't. He moved on to heroin and meth because he couldn't afford anything else. I tried to get him to go back to rehab and stay, but he wouldn't. Keep in mind, this is a MUCH abridged account, it went on for years and I stayed because I loved him and thought he loved me,but he loved drugs more. He never really planned on quitting or even trying because he used drugs to feel better about life, literally yolo. They made him feel good and life sucks, so why not, he said. We all die eventually so why not. I still tried to stay, until one day he was sitting naked on our bed with a needle in his arm and I realized he was killing himself and he would ruin my life too. I told him it was he had to leave, and it was rehab and keep the relationship or get out of my life. He left. He's been in jail 4 times since he left for meth and every couple months he tries messaging me, but I can't respond or I'll be sucked back into it and I can't. Love doesn't fix everything, especially if the person loves the problem.

/r/askgaybros Thread