Today I got reported by my fellow survivors for "not helping", even though I was the only one doing generators

I've honestly never really had a problem with salty survivors before, and especially not when I'm playing as survivor myself, so this really surprised me.

It was a pretty normal game, nothing unusual. As far as I can remember, my team mates did one generator, then spent the rest of the game running from the killer and unhooking each other. Since everyone else was bus and I'm not good at juking, I figured it would be best to just do generators, so that's what I did. Three of them, actually, and I started working on a fourth one. When the situation escalated and one of them was hooked and the others slugged, I healed one of them who was far enough away from the killer and then resumed doing generators, because nobody else was doing them. When all of them were dead and the killer found me, he was nice enough to carry me to the hatch, I thanked him and he sent me a super nice message back, so at least something positive happened. I can't say the same about my team mates though. The conversation was in German obviously, but here's a rough translation:

"Are you an idiot?"

Me: "Can I help you?"

"You've been reported, three times :)"

Me: "Okay? What did I do?"

"You didn't help anyone?"

Me: "I did at least three generators and started working on another one. Somebody has to, otherwise nobody escapes."

I honestly don't even know what to say. It's kind of funny that they actually think you can get banned just because you're not ready to throw yourself in front of the Killer for them. I mean, I usually am pretty altruistic and I have sacrificed myself for others many times, but not like this. Sorry, just wanted to let off some steam.

/r/deadbydaylight Thread Link -