Today is my 18th birthday.

Happy Birthday!!

To share a story with you, my 18th birthday was one of my worst. The original plan: go out for sushi with my cousins, then go to a club and dance the night away. Never been to one prior to that, was excited to fit in with all my party-animal cousins because I was super awkward and just wanted to feel like I was part of a group.

Ordered sushi. Managed to learn that night that I'm allergic to salmon, spent the rest of the evening puking my brains out while my cousins partied up at the club we were all supposed to go to together.

They still talk about how great that night was. It's been 11 years.

I'm sorry you lost your dad's credit card, but that's a super easy fix. Life will get better, 18th birthdays are overrated. Enjoy yourself, OP, in whatever way you like.

/r/MadeMeSmile Thread