Today is my [20F] boyfriends [24M] funeral. His family is ignoring me and I want to see him before it’s open to the public. I took a pregnancy test today and it came out positive. How do I approach this situation without being a burden on his family?

Did I strike a nerve here? For some strange reason you conflate ethical beliefs and lobbying movements; the former does not depend upon the existence of the latter — your presumption to the contrary is befuddling. (As for examples of individuals collectivizing to further these beliefs, you could start by googling the non-profit Secular Pro-Life.)

Not all agnostics and/or secularists are pro-choice; in fact, polling normally shows that a solid 10-20% are pro-life. Example:

Clearly, their opposition to abortion isn’t grounded in their religious beliefs. Although you could still make the argument that our collective ethics and sense of what is right/wrong is grounded in the West’s foundation of Judeo-Christian values, I very much doubt you want to take that position (and I would agree that ethics are independent from religious belief, although the latter often represents and encapsulizes the former in many regards).

I’m lazy, this is boring, and I’m not interested in continuing this discussion given your overt agitation. Feel free to respond but I probably won’t read it and I certainly won’t respond since it’s becoming circular.

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