Today is my birthday...

Happy birthday! don't feel down. Today is my birthday, turned 33. Got hurt really bad at work last year (been a lineman since I was 18 at same job) had a horrible surgery that caused me to internally hemorrhage and die for 2.5 min, lost my job because I was out for to long, lost my house because I can't afford to pay for it, and now I'm leaving NY to move in with my parents in Florida in 3 weeks and my girlfriend of 5 years won't come with me. Definitely not what I pictured happened to me either. What I'm trying to say is don't feel down about where you are at a point in your life. Sometimes bad things have to happen for good things to come and you will end up where you are mean to be when it's your time. Best of luck to you and happy birthday!

/r/HappyBirthday Thread